>>45360239Reborn is the worst romhack made by a human.
You spend 20+ hours in the same fucking town with the same 20 or so pokeman
You start with shitmons which isn't bad.. unless they are all the same fucking type
The story is my immortal tier. Genuine Mary Sue shit.
You fight the same 'boss' 3 times i think. It wasn't even clever the first time
It lags like a motherfucker. Its grueling trying to get it to run at a reasonable rate.
Its a bunch of running back and forth looking for the one fucking character to progress the game.
Area layout/design is embarrassingly bad. You can't find entrances easily, dumb reasons you can't progress. The city is so compartmentalized that you get lost very easy.
Characters are all doughnut steels.
Its just exhausting to play. I couldn't get out of the city. I just didn't care. I had a modest team but it just wasn't worth all the back tracking and having to read the 8th grade dialogue to know who to talk to to progress past the arbitrary blockades.
This should be a case study on how not to make a video game. Its not funny-bad. Its painstakingly mediocre bad