Quoted By:
>Join randumbs >Everyone readies up >Except ONE fag who just sits there not leaving >Everyone is now stuck waiting for the timer to run out or has to quit and risk being taxed to do adventures now fuck this is so shit.
>fight Celesteela alone >spams Earthquake and Max Quake, blowing us down >try again >get a path through three Electric types >A-Raichu, Pinchurrin, Charjabug >take off 3/4 of it's health in the first round, even causing a Paralysis >it uses Earthquake but we all tank it I was surprised. Also, Pheromosa died in two hits. Psychic from Cofagrigus and Expanding Force from Musharna. Are all the Ultra Beasts either bulky weaklings or glass cannons?
Quoted By:
Thanks again the two of you from the previous thread who helped me get Xerneas, that was the last one I could catch in my version.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
Zygarde raid at :00
Quoted By:
>>45365980 >Are all the Ultra Beasts either bulky weaklings or glass cannons? Yes.
Quoted By:
any interest in yveltal?
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
>>45365980 >Also, Pheromosa died in two hits. Psychic from Cofagrigus and Expanding Force from Musharna. Are all the Ultra Beasts either bulky weaklings or glass cannons? Yes. it starting
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
shiny hunting Buzzwole if anybody wants in. Going up at :10
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
lucky last Buzzwole :55
just Buzzswole and Zygarde?
>>45366485 feel free to host
Quoted By:
>Mon picked to counter the legend is shiny
Quoted By:
>>45366492 I have to charge my switch first
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
if anyone's around Buzzwole :25
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
any thundurus lobbies avaiable? it is the last legendary i need
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
>Weakness policy wheezing's strange steam kill zygarde >get shiny shiinotic That's a win to go to bed on. If this thread is still here in the morning. I'll host more.
Quoted By:
anyone have a Kartana raid? Could use a false swiper, tryna fill my dex.
Quoted By:
Would anyone be interested in a Xerneas raid or does anyone have a Xerneas raid up? I'm shiny hunting but randoms are retards.
Quoted By:
Anyone with a Lugia raid in their record?
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
2 hours from now I'lll start hosting one of these three but with Zygarde at my main target
>>45369302 please run a lunala before you start the run, is the last one I need
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
Quoted By:
>>45365936 ehhh what's up dag
i can start a run at :30 for any of the above
unless there's anything going in which case i'm happy to join – i'm just down to hunt random shones
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
Quoted By:
>>45367338 i'm keen to join a buzz run
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
>>45369359 >please run a lunala before you start the run, is the last one I need Okay Lunala at :05
>>45369968 tried but nothing happened, too late?
>>45369994 too early it's :44 I'm starting at :05
Quoted By:
>>45370008 ok gotcha, i'm dumb and i thought :05 were the last too numbers of the code like using the time 6+2 numbers
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
I help with Buzzwole you help me with Zygarde?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
>>45370150 sounds good to me
Quoted By:
>>45370140 thanks a lot man, saved my ass from hours of random DA
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
>>45370269 okay Zygarde after
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Zygarde at :50 and go back and forth
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
>>45370269 whens the next buzz run?
Quoted By:
Fuck me I've died too many time to Zygarde
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
what balls are you all using these days? i have a tendency for heal balls rn. one thing i'm not clear on is if shinies show up shiny in battle - or do you have to wait til selection screen to find out? only found a gmax garbodor shone so far and couldn't tell if it was any different during battle
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
>>45370499 You can only tell shiny at the end screen. I'm only catching the legend and using Premier
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
>>45370512 >only catching the legend even in a pinch?
Why on earth did you not use icy wind?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
>>45370530 unless absolutely necessary.
Buzzwole :10
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
Quoted By:
>>45370532 i considered it but the damage is so much lower, guess i overlooked the double SE and benefit of dropping the speed
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
Did not think it was possible to lose that bad with good odds Buzz next
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
Quoted By:
yeah i thought we were gonna nail it desu – apologies for the icy wind oversight
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
does toxic work on dynas? gone for the throat chop for now but can drop toxic next turn if so
>>45370579 yeah status works. obviously Burn chance is better on Buzzwole
palkia-lando-dialga 80008000
>>45370634 ok so no tox on buzz even tho we have the increasing damage? the nerf to attack is preferable?
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
>>45370667 >ok so no tox on buzz even tho we have the increasing damage? the nerf to attack is preferable? Yes. Zygarde at :30
Quoted By:
spam dragon pulse as ditto
Quoted By:
>>45370878 Misclicked, sorry
Quoted By:
Did Lurantis die at the end?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
>>45370925 taking a break after this one. gl to other runners
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
I have to go out in a few minutes too. I'll come back later
Quoted By:
Offering a shiny Magikarp to whomever can host 1 (successful) Solgaleo run for me
Quoted By:
>teammate uses nasty plot 3 times >ice punch AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
The game has given my Kyogre twice now, and I already caught the fucker. Anyone know if there's a way to erase saved locations of legendaries, that doesn't require filling up your legendary location list?
>>45372461 Got a Mesprit encounter, which I already have, this is the worst. Is it a sheer gamble to get the last few legends I need to get them all?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
>>45372599 Are you sure the last few legends you need aren't version exclusives? Because otherwise I'm pretty sure it will always give you one you haven't caught yet.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
>>45372738 yeah no prob
Buzzwole :30
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
>>45372795 When you finish want to help me with Zygarde at :50?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
>>45373076 Zygarde 7722 7722
then Buzzwole
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
if no-one wants anything else Buzzwole :15
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
Zygarde at :40
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
I really need to stop hesitating and attack
>do Zygarde with randoms >two of them spam scale shot, a move that hits 2-5 times >spam wide guard myself for 9 rounds >Comfey tries to succ it dry >entire team barely does any dmg >round 10 attack myself which was necessary and we beat it First time I've experienced the 10 round limit actually being a threat That fight was so fucking long and tedious Why is the animation for multi hit moves so fucking slow Why is the animation for wide guard so fucking slow and why does it have to play for each mon individually
Quoted By:
>>45373824 please understand
When will maintenance be over?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
what we fighting next?
Quoted By:
>>45373824 My friends and I lost a zygarde raid to the turn limit. We had 2 healers and 1 piss poor damage dealer, and a fucking ai spamming shit moves.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
>>45375085 scratch that :40
anyone want Mime coz I'll take him
Quoted By:
>>45375251 that's the best option
>>45375251 >dropping togetic for mr mime you must have alot of ice types and an wide guard already because dropping a party heal, two immunities and follow me is insane.
Mr. Mime
Quoted By:
>>45375280 prefer screens and HH
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
going to buzzwole or another zyagarde round?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Xerneas 1309 1309 MJK
should I take Dialga? I would delete Xerneas if I did
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Dialga 1309 1309 MJK
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
>>45375333 Xerneas is the rarer shiny
Next round at :10
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
Lobby is up currently right now. Code is in the name field.
Quoted By:
Flareon was a good option though
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
Zygarde at :30
Quoted By:
amazing selection of items thank you game, very cool.
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
New lobby is live right now. 26 with no shiny. Ugh. Stupid bacon bird.
Quoted By:
>Picking the bad choice so the NPC don't get it Finally someone else did that
>>45365936 6 days straight and no luck with shiny Reshiram, I will not give up
>>45375544 Justinrpg?
is that you?
Quoted By:
>>45375549 No just a lurker that comes and browses /vp/ every few days
>instant click on the ditto hilarious
>>45375533 26 is small time
>>45375544 6 days is the beginning
>>45375563 imposter ditto is fun as fuck in these raids
Blue Necrozma - 4488 4488
gonna do some Necrozma runs now, hoping to get the shiny. feel free to join
Blue Necrozma - 4488 4488
>>45375576 starting at xx:50
Quoted By:
>>45375574 >imposter ditto is fun as fuck in these raids weakness policy imposter zygarde kills it's slower complete form
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
Quoted By:
>>45375570 I've seen the number jump from as low as 15 to as high as 300....but with the odds as high as they are with a shiny charm I just want the fucking thing already.
Who should dynamax for yveltal
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Dialga 1309 1309 MJK
>>45375622 >>45375593 >>45375637 what's the raid order Buzz-Zy-Nec
Quoted By:
>>45365980 All UBs are super minmaxed
Quoted By:
>>45375629 glalie or mushroom
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Dialga 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
>>45375653 yeah can do Buzz next. just been joining anyones host really and open to requests for me to host
Quoted By:
mimikyu is that scary?
Are the chances actually 1 in 300? Or is it bullshit like wild encounters where you need to pass more than one chance
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
>use a move with 100 accuracy >Yvetal avoids it I legit don't fucking get this game's systems sometimes. Lobby is up
Quoted By:
>>45375742 1 in 252 chance for a 100% to miss
Quoted By:
>>45375709 yeah and on the 300th encounter you can pick which shiny you want
wait does Curse work in raid dens?
>>45375764 Yes it's use for for Zygarde and fat pokes
Quoted By:
they couldn't make the clouds look better on Necrozma?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Dialga 1309 1309 MJK
so everyone down for Buzz next? if so going up :15
Quoted By:
>>45375764 >>45375769 It also can't be rid of with that bullshit nullifying wave. It's a pretty good to use in these raids.
Blue Necrozma - 4488 4488
>>45375792 I will be up. gonna do some more Necrozma after Buzz
Quoted By:
>>45375709 It's still the same trash odds, you have to go through like 0.5% then the 1/300
this is a chance to see if double helping hand is a thing
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
zygarde at :40
Quoted By:
>>45375709 With shiny charm it's actually 1/100.
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
I don't know people can stay sane with shiny hunting in this game. Lobby is up.
Quoted By:
>>45375908 I've been on autopilot these past few turns, have I been healing heliolisk with liquidation this whole time? I'm so sorry...
>>45375908 Are you the same person from yesterday? I hope I didn't suck all your luck from before.
Blue Necrozma - 4488 4488
>>45375811 Necrozma is up at xx:50
Quoted By:
Anyone with Lugia?
Blue Necrozma - 4488 4488
>>45376000 trying again at a later time
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
Quoted By:
>>45375958 I am.
I've been trying to get a shiny Yvetal and usually come here cuz it's reliable to get help by posting codes here.
Constantly seeing other people in groups getting theirs is suffering. I don't know how much longer I can take NOT getting one and saying "Fuck it". I'm conflicted.
>these choices Zyg's gonna wreck us
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
> we can do it! >Zygarde changes >oh >freeze There's hope
Quoted By:
>>45376065 hope is the worst
Quoted By:
>Light Screen cheer >Battling Zygarde or some other physical attack Every single fucking time
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Dialga 1309 1309 MJK
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
that was heartbreaking. Buzz next?
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Dialga 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
if no Necrozma will put Buzz up :10
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
swap wheezing
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Dialga 1309 1309 MJK
>>45376214 last one for me. thanks and gl to all the runners
>>45376247 >Glalie or MVP Shiinotic? MVP Trevenant
Quoted By:
>>45376317 Indeed, Trick Room came in handy.
>>45376297 Same here, that was my last raid for the day. Hopefully someone got a shiny out of it.
Quoted By:
>managed to kill zygarde with randoms without it going into complete form this will never happen again.
Quoted By:
Zygarde if anyone is interested. 0000 1234
Quoted By:
shiny legendary never ever
Quoted By:
i want a shiny kartana so fuckin bad
Quoted By:
I want to run zygarde is anyone here to join me?
anyone want to grind xerneas hunts? im so tired of randoms being retarded
Quoted By:
>>45378556 Sure, when do you wanna start?
Quoted By:
here to let you all know if you press + or - at the pokemon selection screen after an adventure you can block people, just found this out now
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
How many here for Zygarde?
Quoted By:
>>45378729 I can give a hand if needed.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
>>45378765 im here too was waiting for you.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
>>45378772 Alright it's up
>>45378765 Zygarde is up! one spot left
Quoted By:
>>45378837 Zygarde is now starting we are having a poor selection of most to start off with but hopefully we pull through.
Quoted By:
>>45378858 Well that sucks
Quoted By:
>>45378909 im going for toxic/venom drench it works on zygarde decently
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Not gonna lie, I expected more damage out of blizzard.
Quoted By:
>>45378984 I think everyone did but it's just a harsh reminder phys mons with no stab boost even with 4x super effective moves are not going to dent zygarde using a spatk move.
Quoted By:
>>45378982 this is still up we need a 4th
Quoted By:
>nerfed to hell >poisoned Breaks out>froze and nerfed broke out Damn it
Quoted By:
icy wind starmie on the right
I picked starmie ? or was there a better mon i didnt notice left? I really suck at the "guess that pokemon " part
>>45379040 Witch screech, and oranguru instructing my ice punch maybe we can set up a no-transformation kill.
>>45379053 Well rip screech.
Quoted By:
>>45379063 I apologize i really didnt trust the npc with oranguru
Quoted By:
if the npc doesn't get cherrim I will
Quoted By:
damn i messed up i know this wont work man but i gotta try it
Quoted By:
Hail cancels it out, but the damage( flower gift) did the job before it went down
Quoted By:
Man, I hoped we'd stay just above the transformaton threshold this turn.
Quoted By:
>>45379116 well damn i was
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
Next round at :15
Quoted By:
Pelipper is more valuable
Quoted By:
who takes jynx?
Quoted By:
Jynx takes us.
Quoted By:
Today I learned weather ball works through gigamax.
Quoted By:
Pelipper + jynx combo is amazing
Quoted By:
>>45379303 uh please dont it may just randomly throw out a dark type move for no reason pink mushroom should get it. npc straight up just throw sometimes.
Quoted By:
>>45379303 dyna Sneasel does major damage despite being physical
Shinnotic has resist and a stronger weather ball
>>45379329 The weather ball was only good with hail, and it would take a lof of times before jynx could dynamax again.
7722 7722 Necrozma Lunala
>>45379363 >catching it removes the option to rematch >200+ encounters >80 caught It is done
>>45379423 I'm sorry I can't do that
Quoted By:
>>45379458 Congrats dude, glad I could be there.
>>45379458 wow congrats anon. now what are you going to do with your life?
Quoted By:
>>45379458 Congrat man, you finally got it. Now I need to find someone else to help me get mine.
Quoted By:
>>45379458 Shiet, congratulations! You really earned it
7722 7722 Necrozma Lunala
Quoted By:
>>45379469 >now what are you going to do with your life? I don't know, take a break then try necrozma
If anyone still need Zygarde I can host it for everyone.
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Dialga 1309 1309 MJK
Quoted By:
I can host if anyone wants to join. or I can join others
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
>>45379551 Fuck it, let's try it. Zygarde or Necrozma at :25. Anyone free to join.
>>45379666 Yeah I can give nezcroma a go
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45379666 >>45379687 Room is up, Necrozma then Zygarde (unless you need more Necrozma)
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Dynamax now or let the Snarl do it?
>>45379839 Would have been better for me to put necrozma to sleep than paralyzing it but oh well
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45379869 Assuming the sleep effect proc. Gmax Snarl move isn't 100% sleep.
Zygarde at :50
Quoted By:
Absol had Blizzard
Does turning off battle animations actually work if everyone does it?
Quoted By:
Keep Yawn or go for Linoone?
Quoted By:
>>45380011 Sadly no, not even in local mode
Quoted By:
Cresselia at :10 this post's code.
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
Another fucking shiny Lickitung? Zygarde rematch at :20
Does Entrainment work on Zygarde/Dynamon?
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45380265 Not on Zygarde, works on other though.
Quoted By:
does anyone have a Nihilego room?
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45380353 Scratch, give me a hour and I'll be back with Necrozma
>Scientist - Will offer you a trade of your current Pokémon for another Rental Pokémon. This Rental Pokémon is usually strong against the final Legendary Boss Serebii is a disgusting fucking lying piece of shit stain
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45380665 Yeah, that bitch usually screw me over more than she helps.
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Ho-Oh - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Mon 09 Nov 2020 20:44:42 No. 45381526 Report Giratina :50
Quoted By:
PSA: If you bring a Maractus to a legendary raid who's weak to Water then you deserve to be castrated and boiled alive.
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45381526 >This bulky bitch @ Pressure Let see if this actually success
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Mon 09 Nov 2020 21:12:48 No. 45381778 Report Just got Mewtwo which I really wanna shiny hunt if anyone wants to help. Mewtwo :15
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
>>45381778 >Pressure, Disable, Recover Jesus that sounds like a nightmare to fight.
Anyone interested in more Necrozma/Zygarde?
>>45381793 I can help with necro
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
>>45381828 After this raid I'll do Necro.
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45381859 Necro at :40 (assuming my Internet don't die on me for fuck all reasons)
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Mon 09 Nov 2020 22:00:05 No. 45382173 Report Quoted By:
Mewtwo or whatever people want next :05
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Mon 09 Nov 2020 22:26:34 No. 45382383 Report anyone hosting? if not then Mewtwo :30
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45382383 Was going to host Zygarde next, but after this Mewtwo.
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
Hosting Suicune: 8965 1254
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
>>45382589 Guess it been :10 then.
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Mon 09 Nov 2020 23:10:14 No. 45382743 Report >>45382705 just finishing up the Suicune. can we make it :15?
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
>>45382743 Okay, :15 it is.
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Mon 09 Nov 2020 23:33:43 No. 45382965 Report Quoted By:
Mewtwo :35
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
Necrozma in :05
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
I'm tired. Let's try again. Lobby is live.
>>45383423 Man I thought you quit. I'll help you, assuming the lobby isn't full.
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
Quoted By:
>>45383459 I was working all day today. I quit for the evening, sure, but nobody has been joining at all.
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
Guess I'll just choose randoms cuz nobody's been joining.
Blue Necrozma - 4488 4488
>>45383552 I can lend you a hand
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma
>>45383552 >>45383567 I'll try Yveltal and necrozma
>>45383552 Sorry, was taking a break. I can help you with Yvetlal (Bastard stole my luck)
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
>>45383567 >>45383604 >>45383628 Gonna start the new lobby. it is up now.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma
>>45383730 don't start unless you are full
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
>>45383741 So far not full yet.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45383757 I was in a raid and didn't want to miss it
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
>>45383730 >Nearly all the selection and battle sucks It's going to be one of those raid huh.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma
>>45383780 Yveltal has dark pulse?
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45383795 Taunt
Oblivion Wing
Dragon Rush
Sucker Punch
Snarl (Desperation move I guess)
Most of the pokemon we can get before the boss are weak to dark or flying.
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
I was hoping for at least one Ice or Electric Pokemon along the way but it seems like it's one of THOSE DA raids...
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
>>45383861 max lightning did jjack
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
Quoted By:
I fucking hate this game.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma
Quoted By:
Focus band came through for nothing
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
>>45383987 I need Shiny Yvetal, but I'm already exhausted trying.
Quoted By:
ok what's next?
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
More Yvetlal or something else? I still need shiny Zygarde and that bitch is not designed with NPC in mind. There's also Necrozma I guess
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Yvetal
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
>>45384016 >>45384023 If the lobby has been started I'm not in it cuz I'm waiting for a friend to be open to trade (who said they were already ready) and they're afk currently, so there's that.
7722 7722 Zygarde Necrozma Yvetal
Quoted By:
>>45384039 yeah It's fine 3 should work
Yvetal Raids 5474 9000
Quoted By:
Starting another lobby, expecting to die in this one too. It's up.
Quoted By:
>taunt Well it's much easier than Xerneas that's for sure.
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Tue 10 Nov 2020 01:59:12 No. 45384252 Report anyone down for Mewtwo?
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Peonia found Latios location, should I replace with one of the other mon?
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>>45384256 not really a fan of Kyogre
>>45384252 Sure, I don't know what to look out for against him though.
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Tue 10 Nov 2020 02:01:50 No. 45384277 Report >>45384266 he's no Zyg
Mewtwo :05
7722 7722 Necrozma Yvetal Lunala
>>45384252 >>45384277 Who is the second hardest to take down?
Mewtwo have aura sphere?
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
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>>45384321 Psychic, Disable, Recover, Blizzard, and Psystrike (I think).
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Tue 10 Nov 2020 02:09:49 No. 45384348 Report >>45384321 no Aura as far as I've seen. spread moves=tough (Zygarde, Groudon, Kyogre). every boss can be tough if they wanna be but those 3 require serious thought
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>>45384348 Xerneas too hits the whole team like a truck with dazzling gleam.
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Tue 10 Nov 2020 02:24:18 No. 45384435 Report Quoted By:
next victim?
4499 4400 Kyogre Zygarde Necrozma
Zygarde or Necrozma at :30
4499 4400 Latios Zygarde Necrozma
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>>45384443 Zygarde then Necrozma afterward.
4499 4400 Latios Zygarde Necrozma
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That fucking Krookodile, why the fucking swagger? God damnit this snake is an asshole. Necrozma in :00
Anyone doing Necrozma right now? I wanna get it so I can repeat for Shiny.
4499 4400 Latios Zygarde Necrozma
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>>45384723 Just missed entering one, but I'll come back to it after this raid.
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hey maybe if NPCs would attack we might win
4499 4400 Latios Zygarde Necrozma
I really hate the NPC obsession with using support moves every damn turn. Necro in :30 or :35.
4499 4400 Latios Zygarde Necrozma
4499 4400 Latios Zygarde Necrozma
>Entire lair had a wide guarder and ice types, perfect to combat Zygarde Son of a bitch. Also where the fuck do you get the neon-glowly outfit, Spleen?
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>>45385028 Not Spleen but that's the outfit for playing Ranked Battles a bit, I think?
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>>45385028 play a ranked match and then talk to one of the npcs in the hammerlocke pokemon center
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>love ball obstagoon Cute
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK
Buzzwole - Mewtwo - Giratina 1309 1309 MJK Tue 10 Nov 2020 03:57:50 No. 45385183 Report Quoted By:
Mewtwo :00
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which is better life orb or expert belt?
7722 7722 Sogaleo Kartana Zekrom
>>45385784 I am, though only for one round.
7722 7722 Sogaleo Kartana Zekrom
7722 7722 Sogaleo Kartana Zekrom
I'm using my sheild account Rondache/Claymore are the same
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>>45385894 >>45385912 Well shit, that confused me and damn filled out already?!?
7722 7722 Sogaleo Kartana Zekrom
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Trying again at :35
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If I host for my friends with, say, Entei, as long as they have the code, they can choose the anything is fine option and join right? Or do they need to pick the same option as me? And if Im only playing with one other person am I able to open the lobby for randoms or am i forced to use NPCs?
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anyone with any of those? Latios, Groudon, Tornadus
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anyone with any of those? Latios, Groudon, Tornadus Can help wih Lugia and kyogre if someone needs them