>>45371461>>45371598is lgpe (which is confirmed to be a core title) gen 7 or gen 8?
if its gen 7, then it breaks the pattern of having all legendaries = being the final game of a gen
if its gen 8, then it still breaks many patterns of its own, such as starting off a new gen with a remake
between dexit, DLC, and POGO pandering, mainline is entering uncharted territory and you can't just blindly cling onto patterns and traditions anymore. after a year GF needs easy access for legendaries for VGC, this time they thought it was more cost-efficient to do this via DLC than shitting out a new game
as for sinnoh remakes i think they're coming soon, if ORAS was a GF-led initiative for the fans (judging by the anime having nothing to do with it) then the even more popular sinnoh will get its time, and ash's current shillmon is lucario. plus sinnohfetuses are the right age to drop the money for it, it's a now or never deal if you ask me