>>45386200This. Honestly it is kind of shameful. It wasn't quite as bad in the past, but these days it's embarrassing to admit that I'm in the same demographic category as some of the most obnoxious people on earth. Associating with people based solely on what you find attractive has always been kind of pathetic and shallow, but now it's straight up toxic to one's mental health. Anonymous boards are the only place left I will ever talk about these things, I'd rather be surrounded by people who hate me than people who make me feel even more disgusted with myself by association. I know I shouldn't let the them get to me, and I've tried to play nice in more "tolerant" communities, but it's soul-crushing knowing that most of the world views you as the same as these paper cutouts pretending to be humans. And the worst part is that deep down inside I know that they hate me just as much as the other side does. All of that supposed tolerance flies out the window the second you fail to toe the party line or admit that you don't subscribe to their funhouse mirror hyperegalitarian idea of what a relationship should be. At least 4chan is honest about how it feels. I'll take straightforward hate over duplicitousness and hypocrisy.
I just want a nice man who will take care of me, a breadwinner so that I can be the homemaker. I know it's wrong, but all I want in life is to be a housewife and to be left alone by the outside world ;_;