>>45398739I've been away for a while, a few times actually, and I have a few questions about your motives here.Now I'm going to assume you're
>>45389085 which is a bold assumption to make so I apologize in advance. Regardless, you're following the sentiment in that post, so naturally people will be hostile after that.
Firstly the aforementioned post is an attack on the level of your average /r9k/ poster talking about women, probably inspired by one if I had to guess. Maybe not a direct or personal attack, but absolutely a shitpost.
Secondly, other, similar posts in this thread talk about hoping people don't breed, not having free will, saying that people's passions don't matter, claiming an entire sex is incapable of relating to other people, and other things that grind a person down.
Thirdly, this post seems to have triggered you
>>45398441 by implying that you are the one who has a mental problem, only to attempt to throw that right back at them in
>>45398680Lastly, there's a possibility I might actually know who you are, specifically. I kind of doubt it, given some posting style differences (and the fact that given my autism it's hard to differentiate people at the best of times), but regardless we'll probably see each other in a different thread about 4 days either way. I do have one final question that comes down to "why are you still here?" given you don't think highly of this place. Despite your recommendation, I've found that the rest of the internet is almost worse in some ways. Again, might be the autism, but I find it's actually harder for people to form real lasting friendships and other relationships outside of here simply because there's so much more going on. The internet is a really bad place to make friends, in general, but at the very least on here you can delineate the "person who shares your interests" from the "person who says and does horrible things". I dunno, maybe just take these people less seriously? You can't help everyone, I've tried.