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New combat could be like how FF& Remake did it when fighting with a party.
Your Pokemon could be AI controlled and dish out basic attacks and special learned moves on its own but issuing commands and timing moves would prove more successful.
You could choose on a slider of 1-4 on whether to prioritize offensive or defensive.
All from the perspective of the trainer, you would never directly be controlling the Pokemon just issuing commands and that could also involve a bond mechanic where your Pokemon has a chance of performing a command quicker if the bond is high or a chance to ignore a command if the bond is low.
Stats would be just as important as they are in the game currently and could be the tie breaker if opponents issue attacks at the same time.
This fighting system would also work if the opponents are fighting 2v2 or 3v3 or even multiple trainers fighting multiple trainers.
Combined moves could be issued if two Pokemon have learned that combined move
This would work well enough in a single player mode but would shine in a pvp mode and pvp openworld with towns and gyms