>>45430844Actually, the way homosexuality is reproduced is the benefit of being a carrier of it.
An actual homosexual may not reproduce, but they provide a blanket increase to the success and viability of the offspring of their siblings, by being another grown adult human directed invested in their upbringing. Having homosexual children means that your grandchildren will have superior survival rates and achievement, compared to the same circumstances with all heterosexual children trying to make their own offspring successful. This means that being a carrier of the genes that lead to homosexuality is a very, very beneficial thing that is consistently selected for throughout human evolutionary history.
Humanity has long, long since set down the path of quality of offspring over quantity, with well cared for and nurtured children being consistently the humans that themselves have the most highly successful offspring, with the ability to pass down culture through teaching and upbringing being the strongest evolutionary advantage humans have, and having additional parental analogues to provide for them is by far the best realization of that advantage a human infant could ask for.
The predisposition towards sexual abuse is a recent phenomenon, brought on by the criminalization of their existence. Humans that are called criminals tend to become them, something that is consistently recorded across time and cultures, and homosexuals have spent the last 2000 or so years being told they are, to quote, "unnatural" has lead to many of them internalizing this identity.
As an ending note, humans aren't the only creatures that do this; most famously, our closest living relative, the Bonobo, is also a species that produces homosexuals, where they perform a very similar role in boosting the parental attention infants get, the main difference being that bonobos fuck so much and so casually that distinctions of orientation can be hard to discern at the best of times.