>>45458731I'm here to say fuck you, Smogon. Fuck you. Who the fuck made you the damn authority on what is and isn't okay in the world of Pokemon? When the fuck did your little council, or whatever you call that shit, come together and say "Hey, we are the supreme ruling dictators on how people can play this fucking game"? Fuck you. I will use my damn Mega Kangaskhan if I wanna use my damn Mega Kangaskhan. I will use my fucking Gengar, my Mega Gengar, if I wanna use my motherfucking Mega Gengar. My Heracross will take a fucking shit on whatever the fuck your throw at me in battle. "Oh! This is Uber! This is OU! That's banned! That's toxic!" Fuck you. The only fucking rules that matter in fucking Pokemon are the yearly revisions of the fucking VGC's and the in-game bans that make a shit ton of fucking sense. None of your fucking rules matter if you want to get fucking serious and earn fucking money. Fuck you, fuck your shit. Fucking telling me I can't put a damn badass cool ass motherfucking Blaziken on my motherfucking team. I will put six damn Blazikens on my motherfucking team. If I wanna go into a fucking Pokemon battle with six damn Blazikens on my motherfucking team, I will use six damn Blazikens on my motherfucking team. Assholes. Fucking talking about your council and how you're so fucking smart. Fuck you.