>>45473812Honestly Id go with Hoenn and Sinnoh as both regions follow a similar deaign philosophy where they have a decent balance of plot (even if the plot isn’t exactly a 10/10 masterpiece) and exploration.
I’ll also give Unova and Oblivia an honourable mention mainly due to how the areas visually look really good as a sprite based game and how well the blend together, it also helps that the season mechanic made the locations feel less static. Oblivia is honestly to me alola but better in almost ever conceivable way (ironically it even had ride pokemon before gen 7 and did it much better as well) as its also an island region with its own interesting quirks to it but unlike Alola, Oblivia has alot more areas to explore in it and not only that but it also helps that Guardian sign doesn’t hold your hand with superglue put on top through the entire game unlike gen 7.