>>45476230>Gays are normal people.I really wish that were true, or rather, that the normal ones were less of a silent majority. Fujos can be obsessive and weird, and many of them are themselves broken, but at this point the only people left in the asylum are the inmates. All the normal gay people went home to live their happy normal lives with their happy normal spouses after Obergefell v. Hodges. What's left are the dregs: lifestylers, attention-seekers, chronic crusaders, hedonists, embarrassments. It'll get better in a few decades once it becomes normalized to the point of being boring and untrendy, but for now, if you haven't already found someone you may as well give up. If they're not an embarrassment, they're terrifying wasp monsters disguised as humans who will break you literally instead of figuratively. I'd honestly rather spend time with fujos than other gays. Fujo drama can get bad sometimes, but usually they're harmless. Like the other anon said, there are no fujo bugchasers.