How are you allowed to do this so many times? Lillie does NOT like humans like that. She does NOT want to be touched like that. She does NOT enjoy human contact like this, and she is VERY NEW TO IT. Making her uncomfortable by grabbing her like this is the worst thing you can do to her, as is trying to pursue her romantically at all. I don't understand. It's obvious that she's a pokephile, the game tells you as much. Trying to erase this part of her is no better than straightwashing a lesbian character - It is her sexuality. It is a part of her identity as fundamental to her as her design. She isn't interested in Sun, she isn't interested in Moon, she isn't interested in god forsaken Lusamine, she's into Snowy. Period. Lillie loves SNOWY because Lillie is a KNOWN POKEPHILE. PERIOD! STOP SPAMMING THESE THREADS, THEY'RE FUCKING GROSS! YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH A POKEPHILE!