>>45505921>using pokemon you don't even like just because they're """strong""" = vomit pic>Stay mad faggotyour first post doesnt show that idea at all, stop backpedaling by trying to "explain what you truly meant" and making it all sweet and innocent
the first example was about the fav shiny getting ohkoed but you seem to have forgot about that
you are no better on the name calling, stop acting all righteous when you cant follow the criticism you give to others
you are writing a wall of text just because of a comment on how people using only fav mons who get one shotted or also dmaxing their fav mons, which both are really common occurences, in raids is annoying and you are nowhere going against the point i made or anything, you are just mad i called you a retard and are making something big out of something small, good for you i guess but wont change the fact your first post was still retarded the way you posted it
and my second example still stand, happened 4 hours ago and the guy wasnt even a troll, just stupid and spamming A on the wrong attack, proving how much "fun" he was having with his so loved Solrock
enjoy the full answer, i wont take that much time next post