>>45507408Because Pokemon still has a single player RPG component to it and the games (used to) be designed around that fact.
Think of Pokemon as your "equipment". You would in RPGs replace your equipment down the road once you acquire better ones the more you process in the game. This also applies for Pokemon. You would have interesting early game options like Raticate, Butterfree, and Beedril, but you're expected to replace them down the road once you obtain things like Tauros, Venomoth, and Scyther. It's why Dodrio is just so blatantly better than Pidgeot and Fearow.
This also applies for Pokemon used by Gym Leaders. Onix fulfills the role of the "first boss" It's basically only a Pokemon meant to be used by the AI early game, which is why it's stats are the way they are. Most of your moves early game would be normal moves, so having a high defense stat as well as resisting normal moves makes you pay attention to the special stat and its respective moves.
And the reason they don't "fix" Pokemon because if you fix them, now you can't use them for the early game anymore whether for your usage or for the AIs usage.