>>45557105Thank you so much for trying it out!
I actually heard from someone that their one idea was to add more expressions, so that's why I tried to vary it up as much as possible. I'm also working with a pallet of art that isn't mine because this started off as just a thing I was doing for myself for fun, so I've only got what I've got. Several of the assets suddenly shift into a different style, which worked for me, but I could tell was jarring.
I didn't think of keeping everything above the waist; for that frame, that's just the sprite I had and it ends there, but other ones I had more to work with so I figured more was better, and I guess I also figured you'd want to see her skirt.
Yeah you can probably tell from the writing I'm not that experienced with Pokemon in general, goes with your next point; the reason I picked anime is because I watched DP as a kid and that's about all my Pokemon knowledge right there. I think I played yellow on my game boy for 15 minutes but that hardly counts. I guess the anime has conditioned me to think how mons are treated is less weird, and it's probably easier for me as a writer to interpret their grunts as actual dialogue, but that doesn't make it easy for a reader. Personally I kinda like how Scyther turned out to feel, and going by anime it'd be weird not to have Piplup, but it's something to think about. And I figured she'd talk about her old companions a lot so that's why those are in there but I assure you it ain't no cuck shit Dawn is exclusively for you.