>>45532291What exactly is not lazy about this set presented?
You just throw on the best moves in the game onto 1 Pokemon and use the move accordingly. What takes effort in that?
In fact, what even is laziness OP? As in, what makes a set lazy?
Assuming you just inject or use Showdown, what makes putting Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Body Slam, and Hyper Beam onto a Gen 1 Pokemon less lazy than any modern set?
And to also answer your question, the Phy/Spe split hindered defensive cores and stall teams. Assume nothing else changed.
No new moves from Gen 4 onwards
No new items from Gen 4 onwards
No new pokemon from Gen 4 onwards
No rebalancing of Pokemon's stats, movepools, and abilities
All moves/Items/Abilities are reverted back to what their effects, accuracy, typings, PP, ect. were in Gen 3 BESIDES the Phy/Spe split.
It's 100% the Gen 3 Meta, but a moves typing does not determine if it will be a physical move or special move.
In that case, Stall takes a huge hit in viability, as well as every single defensive core in Gen 3. The common defensive core SkarmBliss no longer can reliably survive as players can spam Physical moves that Skarmory is weak too.
Without the Phy/Spe split, the game would come more to a crawl, with fat balance being more dominant, as you can just simply wall Physical and Special attackers if you are simply neutral to the respective typings (like Skarmory, which is neutral, resistant to, or immune to all Physical attacks in Gen 3).