>>45536190In Jubilife, Oreburgh, and Floaroma's Poke Centers there's a very easy battle against a reporter who uses all the starters of each region, and, after the battle hands them all to you.
Then on top of that is Steven in Oreburgh giving you free Beldum before Roark, the Jubilife Trainer School giving you a free egg of a decently strong mon, your mom giving you free Eevee, and, possibly most egregious of all, Rowan giving you the OTHER TWO FUCKING SINNOH STARTERS, for free, of course.
I get Dray likes gifts but goddamn. I wouldn't even be opposed to Rowan giving you the other starters in like, say, a postgame battle after you fight him using a strong mono grass, fire, or water team or something, but no, just take picking the starter, a pretty big choice in any player's journey, and then basically trivialize it right from the get-go.