>>45595865How intelligent the average pokemon is hinges whether you take the anime or the pokedex more serious. If we take the pokedex's word most pokemon aren't as intelligent as humans and only a handful can actually understand humans.
Second I honestly don't get why some of you pokefuckers get assblasted over people calling pokemon pets. This is something that the average person can easily pick up on. I already said on another topic the way you interact with pokemon is as one would interact with a pet, even when out in camp. Things like trading, boxing or just in general being the master of those creatures also counts. Also how they choose to portray pokemon in media. In the anime you randomly see pokemon eating out of what looks to be a dog bowl, there's also instances where we see pokemon eat off the floor, even humanoid ones like Mr. Mime, and there may even more that I forgot about. It even extends to how TPC wants pokemon to be seen as, in the detective pikachu movie they cut sawk and throt because the film makers were told Pokemon don't naturally wear clothes and they couldn't get it to look good in a "natural way" meaning they don't want people to think pokemon wear clothes on their own except when dressed up by their trainers. People wear clothes, beasts don't. Fuck, even the franchise doesn't shy from referring to pokemon as beasts like the Ultra Beasts, which get their name because they're beasts from ultra space or pokemon from ultra space.
Overall the point is there. Even the term pet means "any domesticated or tamed animal that is kept as a companion and cared for affectionately". Which while pokemon are fictional seems to be more accurate than anything else. This is something normal people pick up on easily but pokefuckers have a hard time grasping something so easy. Intelligent or not it doesn't matter.