[27 / 4 / ?]

58KiB, 860x875, 203-2033601_scizor-png-png-image-scizor-pokemon-transparent.png
Quoted By: >>45605909 >>45606057 >>45606533 >>45606658 >>45607545 >>45607595 >>45607733 >>45607769 >>45607843 >>45608163 >>45608229 >>45608253 >>45610255
Call it autism, but I hate using these motherfuckers on my party
It's even more annoying considering a lot of pokemon with 4x weaknesses either get great stats, or some sort of gimmick to balance out their flaw
As well, a lot of my favorite pokemon designs have 4x weakness too
So I'm wondering if any of you guys have the same or similar annoyances
It's even more annoying considering a lot of pokemon with 4x weaknesses either get great stats, or some sort of gimmick to balance out their flaw
As well, a lot of my favorite pokemon designs have 4x weakness too
So I'm wondering if any of you guys have the same or similar annoyances