>>45611369While I would say that I had fun with Pokemon Y back when it was the latest generation at the time, compared to the games before and after it, I'd say it was the weakest out of the three.
A lot of the stuff they added was really cool, but there were some things I personally didn't like:
- Going back to Gen VI games with the character models being chibi except in major cutscenes after playing Gen VII and onwards is a bit distracting.
- Rivals felt very anticlimatic, but I guess that wasn't exactly the point with the multiple characters you interacted with minus the "main" rival.
- The biggest one for me was that compared to all the other regions (you may call me out if I'm wrong, I'm ok with this), the Kalos region has the least amount of new Pokemon added to the game; even with ones that were introduced through events. (That doesn't mean I don't like the Pokemon. The Swirlix line is one of my favorites, and the starters being based on RPG classes is a really cool idea)
So yea, I wouldn't call it the BEST mainly game, but X/Y are still fun games. Compared to the others though, I'd say that it doesn't really hold up as well.