The worse you treat them, the harder the fight in the elite four will be- they'll do stuff like spam heals and stat boosts, or use scummy strategies. If you get everything correct with each one, you'll be rewarded with an even more challenging but actually fun battle, a true competitive fight that's balanced around you. Finally, you get to the new champion- the ceo of the media evil team, and its their last shot at taking you down. You beat him, and ge recognizes your strength and willpower, your desire to improve, and how all humans are flawed and make mistakes, but they don't define everything about you: its how you grow past them, acknowledging your mistakes while becoming a better person.
You're the champion again, you're popular again, and the media team isn't as violently pissy at you. Then the postgame starts. And its geared towards lovers of competitive pokemon- facilities for Abilities, EVs and IVs, along with the ability to change them around with some work. You can fine tune your teams, experiment with new strats, and fight tough AI opponents.
One noteworthy thing is that you've already got a pokedex filled out normally. If you catch a Pokemon, it'll get expanded to include stuff like EV spreads, good natures, and potential movesets or strategies. Thus, you've already caught em all and are just catching the ones you plan on using. Which may be all of them, who knows.
The tone is goofy and somewhat juveline, not taking itself too seriously in favor of just having fun.
I think it could work.