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/RPG/ - Retro Pokemon General

No.45623331 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/RPG/ Retro Pokemon General - WFC edition.

So how 'bout it anons? Any of you sweet, salty sacks of sweat still blastin' away on your DS or 3DS online? We're talking Generations 3-5 here.
>How do I play online? WFC is discontinued.
Lemme tell ya, it's not hard. What you're gonna need is a WiFi network with NO PASSWORD. Get yourself an unsecured network, which there are two easy ways to do:

>method 1: create new network on router at home

Log into your router's settings, set up a guest network with no password. Simple as. Don't connect the DS itself, but on your Pokémon game's title screen, go down to 'network options' and connect there. Video:

>method 2: mobile hotspot

Only works with Androids usually, but basically you create a mobile hotspot and connect the DS to it.

There's some variation between games, but if something isn't working you can google it. Not very hard to make it work for most people, even if it takes some fiddling.

(video guide to connecting)
(guide to getting Nintendo events)
(New server focused on trading and battling, in need of new members and filled roles)
>There's another server but the OP will have to come here to shill it, it's older but sexy. And private.

So how about it anons, what are we all playing these days?