>>45628490Actually adding new routes with new music, remixed with GB sounds included to lead to said Safari Zone which wasn't even necessary but it was put in anyway? That's not soulless.
Too many legendries is subjective, but considering there were still 9 legendary Pokemon you couldn't catch and one trio was part of a unique event with a subjectively memorable cutscene used to tie the games to the previous set of games, I wouldn't say that's bad. Plus, in the grand scheme of things gen 4 didn't nearly have as many legendaries as needed to pad out the games. I'd argue ORAS was worse with 5 previous generations of legendary Pokemon into the same game for VGC legality purposes.
You are correct that glaring flaws weren't fixed outside of general glitches like coin case and PC cloning.
You are correct that they copied the frontier.
However, they also added a new minigame to keep the game corner relevant.
They also added another facility for other mini games in the Pokeathlon and made some prizes there worth participating.
They also added following sprites, regular and shiny, for every Pokemon.
They also gave a free optional peripheral for the game in the Pokewalker.
when the clock strikes midnight the apricots will regenerate on the tree through a sparkling animation.Soul is a buzzword, but if it exists then HGSS has it.