>>45631331>BraixenBarely needs to try, as she hits the point between cute and arousing perfectly. If she's interested in her male trainer, only the staunchest anti-pokefuckers will resist. Almost inconveniently tight and just as passionate as trashy romance books make fire-types out to be. Whether or not these feelings persist into her evolution is a cointoss.
>BayleafPushy and bad at playing coy. Will probably grow out of her crush on you after evolving into Meganium. If the feelings remain, she’ll approach you in a more mature manner. You can expect a loyal and passionate partner in a Meganium.
>LatiasConfused about her feelings and immature. Might try to subtly influence you with psychic powers. She won't know what to do with you if she gets what she wants and you return her feelings. Freezes up at the thought of sex.
>LopunnyShe knows exactly why you caught her and is fine with it. Might be the best fug you can get and is excited to go anytime. She is not much more than a tightly wound bundle of hormones with little in the way of personality.
>GlaceonHaughty, but won't actually leave you hanging when it counts. If you'll put up with her at her worst, then she thaws out and lets her affection openly show. Satisfyingly vocal and blush-prone when she feels your warmth in her core.
>MespritUnwitting rapist without much understanding of humans or their morals. Will alter your emotions with her powers. Its only after you're warped beyond recovery does she understand what she did.
>AudinoActs like a doormat/punching bag hoping for your approval. Typically gravitates towards lonely men, not realizing some are alone due to foul attitudes, too foul for other waifumons, and then pays for it. Meekly lets her partner take charge.
>MeowsticSimilar to Glaceon, but there is no thaw out, she just remains unpleasant. Does the opposite of Audino and tries to find a meek trainer so she can control him with her abuse. Cares much more about her own pleasure than yours