>>45634977105 SpA is enough, that's not what I mean, though.
This thing has 4MSS to fucking hell.
It needs Recover if it wants to stall, it needs U-Turn if it wants to not be trapped, and to maximize Intmigernerator.
It definitely wants EQ for Stab. This is kinda optional, pure stall sets are viable, but even uninvested, this hits hard, so really, there's not much you could ask for over this.
That fourth slot is very contested.
Toxic/Spikes or Bunker are kinda optional, putting Toxic on this is almost a waste. Hazards are kind of important, though running Defog for anti-hazards is also plausible. Swords Dance can let it sweep, Scald can let it cripple things that come in to EQ it, Gunk Shot compliments EQ nicely and deletes Faries, Knock Off can seriously threaten anything, the list goes in.
Essentially, those first three moveslots are very much spoken for for 90% of builds. It has 1 kinda open moveslot that a ton of good shit is competing for.
Ice beam beats Lando-I, but pretty much accomplishes nothing else, wheras its other possible moves can win games. It CAN run it, but in doing so is screwing itself over if Lando-I isn't there, if that makes sense.
This thing has the versatility to run other builds, Band, AV, but those are giving up your Stallzilla, and usually losing to Stallzilla, and coming with their own other weaknesses.