>>45644592No it's not. XY has by far the least interesting and most bland story and characters in the series. Serena LITERALLY has 0 personality. She quite literally has the personality of the help screen on the Unovo PC's. I've never seen a character, yet alone a rival, be so devoid of any shred of individuality. Tiorno, Trevor, and Shauna are embarrassingly shallow 1 dimensional characters, even for a Pokemon game. The champion is some random bitch with no relevance to the story or even to Pokemon at all. Lysandre's villainous ways are embarrassingly telegraphed. The true threat he represents is only fleshed out in the final 5 minutes of the story when you reach the secret HQ. Up until that point your fighting dorks in suits for essentially no reason. I swear to god the writers from Gen 5 were on vacation until 1 month before Gen 6 released, Nintendo realized how absolute shit the game was, and rushed them back to create the post game Looker/Emma story (the ONLY good part of the ENTIRE GAME). Then Nintendo tried to overcompensate for Gen 6's trash story/characters by shoving an overabundance of story/characters down players throats in Gen 7. Gen 6 actually ruined another generation because of how bad it was.