>>45692837It's way too simple. I'm fine with Grass-types in general, and honestly Bayleef isn't half as bad, probably due to a more interesting color scheme and plant part structure. but Meganium is just insultingly lazy and bland. You take a stock cartoon sauropod and slap some flower petals on it. That's it. Feraligatr at least has a different stance and body shape than the default crocodilian, and while Typhlosion is still pretty generic it also deviates more from the archetypical toon badger to have at least a shred of an identity to call its own. Meganium is just... there. Like they had to make a fully-evolved Grass rep, but either couldn't come up with anything until the last minute, or they needed to come up with something that didn't alienate anyone so they spat out a design that was as uninspired and inoffensive as possible, to a complete absence of fanfare.