>>45752877Right back at ya. Explain to me how a one-turn nuke or a static HP buff along with THREE nukes is somehow more strategic than an entire ability, stat, and gameplay shift?
Seriously, it just doesn't make sense to me. Z-Moves and Dynamax both have clear instances where they should be used and in the latter's case usually just becomes a dick measuring contest to see who brings out the big guns first.
There's too many factors that change with the majority of megas that aren't named Blaziken that make it too beneficial to hold back pulling the switch as soon as possible. Sableye loses its priority, Kangaskhan loses its ability to hit ghost types for the free flinch or revenge kill, Mawile loses either it's immunity to stay debuffs or its ability to use intimidate on Switch, Heracross loses Moxie which is beneficial if it can manage a kill without going mega, Venusaur loses its speed in the sun, Glalie loses Moody, Slowbro and Audino lose Regenerator.. the list goes on.
In conclusion, it's far less beneficial to hold off using Z-Moves or Dynamax than it is with Megas. Choosing when to go Mega IS a strategical play and all of the megas can still be countered perfectly fine with regular mons. The same can't be said for Z-Moves or Dynamax where using them is more of a play of circumstance instead.