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Which region would come out on top in a Pokemon battle royale?

No.45766497 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
pic not related, i just love golurk.
basically if all the pokemon from all the main series regions fought each other to the death until only one region is left alive, which region would succeed and which one would die first.

For determining the "power level" of the Pokemon, the Pokedex entries are law.

Some ground rules to make this scenario less unfair: Every Pokemon is allowed except Arceus, Dialga, Victni, Yveltal, Shedinja, and Magcargo. Arceus because its god, Dialga because it just turns back time so sinnoh can win, Victini's whole schtic is that it always wins so thats also retarded, Yveltal because if its dying it thanoses literally everyone and turns itself into a cocoon, Shedinja because apparently looking at its back steals your soul, and Magcargo because its really fucking hot and just being near it you would burn to death if you're not fire or water type. Also, split gen evolutions count as in their original generation (basically Rhypherior counts as a kanto mon) with the exception of Porygon-Z, who counts as Sinnoh. Also, base speed determines literally how fast the pokemon moves.

Region: Kanto

Strengths: Lots of Pokemon at its disposal. Alakazam is probably the best non-legendary Pokemon to have because it has 5000 iq. Not that many duds honestly, for every Magikarp and Ekans there is a Gyarados and a Dragonite.

Weaknesses: Not that many legendaries.

Notable Pokemon: Alakazam (its really smart and would be an amazing tactician and general), Dragonite (big dragon is always good), Mewtwo (duh), Ditto (can transform into any powerful pokemon like mega rayquaza), Mew (same logic) Gyarados (big shrimpe use hyper beam).

Verdict: Decent generation probably in the top 4 because of Alakazam and Mewtwo carry the shit out of them. Id say this is the 3rd strongest region simply because of them.

finishing this later i gotta go to sleep. Post your rankings and notable Pokemon you think I missed below.