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I can't actually remember who I used in Gen I and II since it's been so long, and for some games I genuinely cannot remember who I used
>Ruby: Blaziken, Aggron, and that's it, the rest were HM slaves
>Diamond: Torterra, Staraptor, Blissey, Gyarados, two HM slaves
>Black: can't actually remember other than picking Samurott and having Galvantula on the team
>Black 2: Azumarill, Darmanitan, Whimsicott, Haxorus, Magnezone, Mandibuzz
>X: Greninja, Charizard, Lucario, Aegislash, whatever, HM slave probably
>Sun: can't actually remember other than picking Decidueye
>Ultra Sun: Decidueye, Salazzle, Toxapex, Alolan Raichu, Mudsdale, Bewear
>Sword: two teams, first team: Inteleon, Centiskorch, Flapple, Sirfetch'd, Polteageist, Hatterene
>Sword: second team: Roserade, Ninetales, Barraskewda, Excadrill, Heliolisk, Grimmsnarl
I usually tried to use new Pokemon but around X and Sun I just kind of dropped the ball and just went with whatever, then in Ultra Sun I stuck with only Alola Pokemon (and a regional variant) and in Sword, due to how massive the Pokemon variety was, I made two teams and rotated between 'em