>>45820338>All the Johto StartersTyphlosions was clearly intended to give it a roided out Eruption, and Feraligatr got fucking SHEER FORCE, one of the best abilities in the game. Typhlosion might still be bad, but it's got a niche with it's one trick. Meanwhile Feraligatr's unironically good and can even outperform other mons in some conditions.
Meganium is still total ass though
>SceptileUnburden can be workable with the seed items and Swords Dance sets, but I really do wish that Sceptile's physical and special attack stats were either swapped at this point or it just would finally get some damn coverage. A better ability wouldn't solve it's issues.
>TorterraIt's a tragedy
>All Unova Starters>When Fucking Contrary Serperior exists>ChesnaughtBulletproof is fucking god tier on the lad, anon, I don't know what you're smoking. Being immune to some of the most common coverage moves, including the most common attacks you'd be weak too (like Sludge Bomb) is absolutely nuts. Chesnaught in general is severely underrated but it's HA is really fucking good for it; if anything it's only gotten even better because it's also 100% immune to Pyro Ball, meaning it'd laugh in the face of Shillderace.
>DecidueyeLong Reach lets it get around contact abilities that'd cripple it like Flame Body and avoid Rocky Helmets and Rough Skins/Iron Barbs that'd damage it in return. It's honestly a good ability and a nice utility for a physical lsweeper, and Decidueye's pretty good with Swords Dance to start. It's not as bad as you'd think, though the thing could be better
>PrimarinaThis one's actually fucking bad though