>>45825006Well to start off a lot of characters get way more development and screentime now, Brendan/May benefit the most from this but others like Wally and Steven are also a lot better in the remake.
The 3D graphics really enhance the calamitous scale that the game's story has towards the end.
Delta Episode is genuinely pretty interesting even outside of the different dimension twist, I actually think Zinnia is pretty cool and the finale with the meteor and Deoxys is just badass (let's ignore the fact all of it was spoiled in the trailers)
DéxNav is actually a really cool feature if you put the time into figuring it out
Continuing on from that, the bottom screen in general is really cool in ORAS, I like the news channel even if they talk about some autistic things sometimes.
Soaring is based
Obviously this isn't enough to balance out all the bad things ORAS does, but still I'd be lying if I said the game has no good new things.