>>45886863>>45886733There's actually another update planned I think, with more forms and hail being added, but yeah I really like Blazing Emerald's hoenn forms and alt evolutions, even if they're a little overpowered, they've got good concepts that feel fitting for Hoenn
>Dunsparce form and evolution based on clouds and quetzalcoatl, electric type and it's tail even becomes a spark plug rather than a drill>Venonat form and evos based on mothman and silk moths>Tentacool/tentacruel forms based on box jellyfish and the electric jellyfish trope>Tangela/Tangrowth forms based on bramble bushes/tumbleweeds with red boxing gloves instead of shoes>Goomy form and evolution based on slimes and king slimes from Dragon Quest>Reuniclus line forms based on berries, fitting for Hoenn, I even heard in the next update they want to make it so that each time you pick a berry there's a 1/250 chance of encountering a H-Solosis which is pretty soulful>Seviper gets an evolution that runs with it's scythe theme and makes it poison/steel>Crystal Onix/Steelix found in shoal cave>Ghost/water Lanturn based on see-through deep sea creaturesOnly thing I really don't like about the hack is that some signature mons of the gym leaders have been cut (Nosepass, Torkoal, Altaria changed to Dragon/Fairy so not in Winona's gym, etc.) and that a lot of the music is changed to gen 4 music, simply because the guy in charge of the hack liked it more and "felt it fit better", which is pretty fucking retarded if you ask me, still there's more than enough good to outweigh that for me, especially since I usually play sped up with the sound off anyway, might be a dealbreaker for some tho