>>45894879Unown are just bad Pokémon from a game perspective, yet they have a decent lore. Cherrim gimmick seems like a shittier version of Castform's one. Obligatory Sawsbuck and Deering forms don't make sense anymore. Zoroark seems like a gimmick for the sake of furfags. Genies should go die, pay walled gimmicks are cancer. Zygarde megazord form is the worst alternative form, but it's gimmick isn't so bad. Frog and Bunny are bad because they are there just as marketing tools. Toxicitry forms don't make any sense, Morpeko is a Twitter meme, Peng fucking sucks and its gimmick doesn't make any sense, the wolves transformation is so overdone and Calyrex fucking sucks.
Worst playable gimmick on >Unown
Worst designed gimmickmon >Genies
Worst gimmick generation >8
Ditto is a great gimmickmon, especially since it comes from gen1. Castfrom is fun but it's unfinished. Vivillon is stupid fun that was great when the GTS was a thing. Furfrou just fits thematically with its home region so damn well. Same thing with Oriocoro. Wishiwashi and Mimikyu are just a great example of well implemented design and game mechanics (even if the former sucks).
Also yes, I would say that Mew is a gimmickmon