[47 / 5 / ?]

547KiB, 954x712, PokemonCenter-Japan-Sword-Shield-Legendaries-Zamazenta-Plush.png
Quoted By: >>45903032 >>45903043 >>45903500 >>45903513 >>45903514 >>45903524 >>45903685 >>45904037 >>45904076 >>45906846 >>45907022 >>45907367 >>45907592 >>45908060 >>45908085 >>45908817 >>45908853
Does Game Freak just hate some Pokemon or
is Game Freak so mindedly retarded that they can' see how useless some Pokemon are.
It can't be a matter of "diversity" or "game balance" else the only shitmons would be either NFE's and early game mons.
Dusknoir is worse than its own evolution
Tapu Bulu is worse than a lame Donkey Kong rip-off
Artucino is worthless all all-around while its siblings get to be good
Machamp get's mogged by Conkledurr in every way
Feraligatr was the only Johto starter Game Freak didn't completely hate until it got Dexit Crowed.
And pic related may as well be the Patron Saint of Shitmons for how worthless Game Freak made it compared to Shill-cian.
is Game Freak so mindedly retarded that they can' see how useless some Pokemon are.
It can't be a matter of "diversity" or "game balance" else the only shitmons would be either NFE's and early game mons.
Dusknoir is worse than its own evolution
Tapu Bulu is worse than a lame Donkey Kong rip-off
Artucino is worthless all all-around while its siblings get to be good
Machamp get's mogged by Conkledurr in every way
Feraligatr was the only Johto starter Game Freak didn't completely hate until it got Dexit Crowed.
And pic related may as well be the Patron Saint of Shitmons for how worthless Game Freak made it compared to Shill-cian.