A big issue with Hoenn, is there isn't that many strong pokemon in gen 3. A large amount of the pokemon in RSE are >slowfrailmixedattackers and are cucked when it comes to movepool and typing. Think of Pokemon like Absol, Crawdaunt, and Sharpedo that all have really good attack stats, but due to retarded gamefreak logic, all of their STAB moves are Special. And on top of all of that, 2/3rds of the Hoenn Starters are overpowered as fuck. By the time you get to the elite four, you can have a Blaziken with Blaze Kick and Sky Uppercut that can outspeed most opponent with base 80 and hit like a tank with both STABS physcially and specially (120 and 110 is ridiculous compared to the rest of the pokemon in the game), or a Swampert with Earthquake and Surf that has great attack (110) and servicable special attack ingame (85) and enough bulk to tank any non-grass attack. Basically the game can be easily exploited by overleveled starters, which is the strategy of most players their first time playing