It's cute! Yet also beautiful, and elegant. I love the way it moves its long, slender, smooth body all around so elegantly both on the ground and in the air (since it can fly with those cute little wingy lingys on the sides of its head.) I also like the orbs on its neck and tail tip, as they give Dragonair a sort of magical/mystical vibe which only furthers enhances its mysterious nature given that its already considered a rare pokemon! Sometimes I like to imagine I'm out late at night on the beach when suddenly I hear a beautiful sound echoing from the water and I see a distant glow. It flies towards me and begins to circle overhead, showing me a wonderful dance as the light from the moon and its glowing orbs reflects off its flawless gem-like scales. Then it slows lowers itself and allows me to gently brush my hand along the surface of the body, and I begin to feel comforted. It is now circling me with a thriving force, becoming almost a ring of blue beauty as it slowly contracts and gets closer to me. Soon enough it wraps around me like a pool floatie and I massage its body and head all over as it makes cute dragon noises lovingly. It then flies into the sky and begs for me to capture it in a poke ball. I reach into my backpack and grab a dive ball to fit its blue color and capture it. Then I yell "Yes! I caught Dragonair!"
And that, my good sir, is what makes it so appealing.