>>45927465It's a hard life being a swsh shill.
Every day, I face jokes and memes about models and map routes. Every day, vp attacks me with "no post game" and "linear maps". Some in our ranks even fell victim to vp and became romhack chads. Some even Smogon chads. Our numbers fall by the day. It's a hard fight.
Our messiah, Joe, keeps getting shat on for commenting on Pokemon ™ related issues. People laugh at him for praising GameFreak. It's terrible. I can't sleep. Their laughter echoes in my head long after I made it cease by closing my tabs and shutting down my computer, lest I be plagued by more jabs related to swsh.
They laugh at me for buying both versions. They laugh at me because I bought the dlc and pay for home. Sometimes I tell them, "The game is good, you probably didn't even play it!" and then they show me pictures of the wild area and gifs of bad animations. Day by day, I suffer humiliation that I bear just so I can hear my co-shills tell me that no, I am right. That swsh is the best Pokemon ™ game, maybe the best game of all time. It's terribly hard to go on. Those screenshots of the swsh beta keep me awake at night. They even plague my dreams sometimes; I dream of a world where GameFreak lied to me; that they cut the dex to sell it back to me. The thought that someday, GameFreak will release a good Pokemon ™ game with the complete dex terrifies me. But at the same time I know that such a time will never come to pass. GameFreak wouldn't lie to me, daddy Masuda wouldn't do that to me.
It's a hard life being a swsh shill.