>>45961408The majority is competitive due to the stats and ability changes, which lead to either completely new play styles, a la Pidgeot, Garchomp, Swampert, Charizard X, Lucario, Sableye, Altaria, etc..., Or simply improving the playstyle overall, Sceptile, Blaziken, Kangaskhan, Ampharos, Medicham, Lopunny, and lots more.
Many pokemon who got megas became actively viable simply because of that massive boon, like, Fucking BEEDRILL was viable to have on your team. B E E D R I L L
In general it breathed life into the metagame with a much more natural powercreep by granted mostly unremarkable mons the ability to finally keep up
with gen 5's atrocitiesto add to it, the Appeal of Redesigning mons while still keeping the base form has always been popular as shit, examples, Regional, breeding and even seasonal variants were always around before the former becoming official