Continental and Elegant
Elegant is exclusive to Japanese regions, Continental can be found in South Korea and China. Guess that's a good a reason to pair them, though I did notice the purple detail on Calem's hoodie, so maybe that has something to do with it, or maybe that's why this is the only pic with their backs to the viewer.
Contintental is also found in Argentina and a random patch of Europe. Man, I remember everyone being confused at the range for that one. I posted a full map above but back in the early days it was real patchy. See all those white lines? Those are regions within a country and each 3ds is specific to just one. I might try to find a map later if anyone's interested. The full version wasn't filled out until maybe.. mid gen 7? Definitely long after the Vivillon craze.
>>45964613Ah yes, the dreaded 666 number. Nice work anon
>>45964633Monsoon is my favorite. Almost looks more modern than the Modern pattern. Don't know what you see in Sandstorm and Fancy is kinda gaudy to me but eh, to each their own. Polar is nice though, easily a classic.