>>45967344The regis are pretty goods in VGC this year.
Regieleki - Fastest pokemon in the format, can either be offensive with specs or magnet, or more support oriented with light clay and reflect/light screen. Can also be used to quickly self-activate weakness policy on a dynamaxed ally with volt-switch like G-Moltres.
Regigigas - Partenered with Neutralizing gas Weezing, it can do huge damage when dynamaxed. Good coverage with ground/ice/elec moves. You need to be careful to not let Weezing be KO.
Regirock - A good dynamax option, it's huge defense, and Max rockfall making a sandstorm that boost it's special defense will make it last a long time. Usually carry weakness policy to increase it's damage output. Also clear body make it immune to intimidate.
Regidraco - Dragon Energy does massive damage, but it's a bit slow. Need some speed control to operate well.
Registeel - Good defences, it's used with iron defense and body press, can start to hurt if left unchecked.