>>45974829WotC did one card during their entire time publishing the game, and it was Dark Raichu. That's it. I have no idea why a lot of people think WotC had anything to do with the actual design process of the cards, even some youtubers who should know better because they actually follow the metagame and aren't just riding the fad. They just translated the cards and "localized" the layout. The only changes they ever made to any cards were "making" Dark Raichu (which was actually not made by WotC, they just got permission to use it early, it was originally designed for the Game Boy game, but got left out of the original because they didn't want to put in Rocket cards yet), getting Christopher Rush to do the artwork for one of the Promo Mewtwos (the one that also got reprinted in LC, because the original artwork was like the third fucking artwork to have the Sugimori artwork on a stock background), and doing their own card art contest for the Snorlax promo (because that was how the art was decided for the Japanese version as well, pic related, it's the Snorlax I'm talking about).
It's actually kind of a pain in the ass going over how WotC fucked up the game, while also trying to make it more competitive focused. Like not localizing the Vs series (because the cards were actually kind of crap from a gameplay standpoint), but because they didn't want to do the Vs series, GF didn't let them do Jamboree, which would've given us basically all the Vending Machine cards that weren't released as promos (and probably the ones that were as well) as well as the Bulbasaur vs Squirtle Intro Pack cards.