>>45992509What's the theme of the gym?
Why is there a Fighting type with 2 Normal types?
Does the pokemon suit the gym leader?
Stick to type gyms, don't branch out with other types cause it kinda makes the "type specialist" pointless if they're using pokemon not of that type, there are so many pokemon to chose from now that can help the gym leader with weaknesses as well.
Timburr, Jigglypuff and Doduo have no mutual theme either, if you're going with Normal type for first gym then keep a theme. Something like:
Pink theme - Stufful, Jigglypuff and Audio
Brown theme - Sentret, Eevee, Doduo
Farm theme - Rattata, Wooloo, Doduo
Adding in Jigglypuff/Doduo would make it harder for a player to use a Fighting-type, there are ways to keep it to one type but not make it easy.