>>45995854I think there'd be a more thought out story mode and less events. Sync Grid would be tied to levels rather than a re-roll system. They could even make a big deal about breaking level caps beyond 100.
A part of me thought it'd still have paid content in alts and some Sygna Suits but you don't have to roll for it, you could just buy the damn content upfront, events and all. The only stipulation is that some updates have free characters like Gloria or any upcoming gen related characters.
I think the best way to retool Masters for a console game is to treat it more like a successor to Pokémon Stadium games on the N64, taking advantage of the "all regions meet" angle. Every character now has 6 commands, allowing for full move sets and two Trainer/Support moves and Pokémon Abilities and Passive moves are now separate things. The only thing I'd keep is the one-weakness/no immunities system because I actually don't mind some Pokémon tanking hits that should otherwise OHKO them. Like it would still feel like a sidegame in some respects just to distinguish the game engine from a mainline title but I wouldn't mind if they had a mode where players didn't have to wait out a timer -- a classic battle mode if you will.
>Stat and Level overhaul the characters and Pokémon. Anyone can be useful enough so it's not just a select few carrying the team>Fairer move system. No more boss-only buffs.>Paid content is fine for SOME not ALL extras/alts, but keep principle characters free and unlockable. No more Gacha, but perhaps a Smash Bros. esque system of unlocking new Sync Pairs not accessed in the Story.>Longer build-up to the PML and maybe new story paths.>Bettie and Scottie co-exist and can talk. However you can not change the genders, the character you didn't choose is an active character.>Story Mode has alternate character paths/histories. Play from more than Misty/Brock/Rosa's perspective