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[39 / 11 / ?]

No.46009580 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>only played pokemon red and gold when i was a kid. not really that into videogames anyway.
>mostly lurking on /ck/, /lit/ and /his/ every now and then.
>bored, checking for other interesting boards.
>See /vp/
>See /v/
>wow pokemon is the only videogame with its own board, it must still be going strong. impressive.
>feel butterflies in belly
>get all nostalgic
>feeling warm and happy
>decide to take a look
>catalog -> sort by reply count
>"Can pokemon be homosexual?"
>erotic drawing of young girl
>"What is your favorite waifumon?"
>drawing of young girl kissing a pokemon
>"Who is best pokegirl?"
>"what was your first pokemon nut?"