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Hahaha you will never play this

No.46018190 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pokemon Ore, an Orre remaster for the Switch. Two game modes.

Story mode
>three different stories to play
>first two are Colosseum and XD remastered with next-gen game mechanics including physical/special split, new moves, Fairy Type, etc
>third is a new story taking place in Orre in modern times
>Orre is now more developed, safer, and less treacherous, but still hides dark secrets and a shady past
>triple battles have replaced double battles as Orre's format of choice
>starters are Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon in their mid level 20's
>start in a small boomtown built around the Outskirt Stand, mayor is Willie
>other new towns and cities, including the newly inhabited Citadark Isle and Citadark Colosseum
>finally explore Eclo Canyon outside of Snagem Hideout
>routes in between towns
>a new Pokemon league ties together the colosseums
>the player must collect eight colosseum badges while thwarting Cipher again
>hundreds of new shadow Pokemon and dozens of new shadow moves
>pokemon from gens 1-8 available
>wild Pokemon now appear in Orre
>still mostly Pokemon from gens 1-3, but with newer gen Pokemon tastefully scattered around (such as Sandile and Helioptile)
>new regional forms
>the Under and Deep Colosseum have been restored and gentrified
>this is explained by a new regional form of Aron and Lairon, who eat concrete instead of steel
>tons of old characters from the originals make an appearance
>Miror B. is back with six Ludicolo
>Michael is champion, Wes is the leader of Mt. Battle
>postgame in Poketopia which is essentially a Battle Frontier, and you can now explore the areas in between the colosseums
>graphical style more closely resembles Colo/XD with a higher polycount
>many models used for Pokemon from gens 1-4 use the old school Colo/XD/PBR models, rather than the 3DS era ones