>>46019745That's... really difficult to say for certain, honestly. There's so many factors this depends on, like the setting, what tone you want the fangame to have, all that kind of stuff.
I feel like a good first step could be "will there be explicit depictions/mentions of death?". It probably sounds ridiculous but dying happens a lot in fan games, but it also happens in the mainline games! Death can be handled in a respectful and mature manner. Perhaps the better questions should be "will there be KILLING?". That's more like it. Nine times out of ten, the act of killing is always depicted as really fuckin' edgy and shit, like, holy fuck when a character kills they're almost always the kind of character who kills several more without hesitation. There's one character like that in Reborn, with a classic reasoning of killing being all like "m-muh FAMILY" and shit.
Also, swearing is a good way to make your game edgy, especially tier 2 fuckwords like fuck or shit. You could POTENTIALLY have hell, damn, bastard, or whatever, but even that's really pushing it. Swearing and Pokemon just.... doesn't fucking work.
Also a good way to make things edgy real quick is if the evil team is trying to invoke Arceus, unless you pull something like Arceus just dipping instead of serving the evil team leader in the climax or something, which you fucking know won't happen in Reborn or something.
Lastly, probably the most important factor I'd say would constitute to an edgy story would be the CHARACTERS. They sort of drive the motive or the actions in the story given the player is typically silent. Some checkmarks to look for are "do they kill things? swear like a sailor? have WAY TOO MUCH IMPORTANCE in the story? do they do everything and leave you with the table scraps? some other shit i didn't include?" if the answer is yes, you might have edgy characters in an edgy story.
I might be talkin' outta my ass but just have fun man, people take shit too seriously.