>>46060554Becuase youre a noob trainer who just unlocked the wild area. You see a cool pokemon walking around. You didn't know about the high level overworld encounter rule. You are very deep in the forrest. Your ace lv 16 starter is wrecked and the rest of your stage 1 party get sweeped soon after. The wild pokemon now attacks you directly. You are banged up and clutching your fainted Pokemon.
There is a rustling behind you. Twigs snapping , branches and vines swept aside like line of dominoes. A visible stampede of dust is being whipped up by the sheer impressive speed and force of whats coming. Out of the shadows appears a woman of impressive physique and construction attire. Its as if she heard your sad sniffles a mile away and her instincts went into overdrive. The wild pokemon sees the burning look in this womans eyes and senses it cannot win. It retreats to fight another day.
She scoops you up tenderly and tells you everything is gonna be okay now. You can stay with her as long as you like