A: 3
3 has a nice roster that feels like pokemon, maybe not quite as much variety as gen 4 but i think theres a lot more potential for antimeta/uu/bl picks to come in and fuck ou up hard (so you might see the same 4-5 super OUs but a lot more room for those last wildcard spots), and you definitely got to pay attention to them
switching is what pokemons all about and having just spikes feels the best, itd be nice if a few more shitter pokemon learned spikes
no physical/special split was actually pretty balanced with special attackers having the better coverage move distribution but physical attackers having the better boosts and only choice band no scarf/specs, also balanced the dragon shillmons with special when most wanted to be physical
i think explosion was pretty positive here, a fun tool that you could play around and stopped you from just going for retarded raw bulky setup sweeps, feels like you have to "earn" your sweeps a bit more in this gen than 4
B: 4, 5
the pace of 5 is near perfect to me and the games feel more balanced, but the variety fucking sucks and i hate using or playing against almost every single top tier that you have to use to stand a chance here. this is when ou started to feel like ubers lite with every team having too many of the same retarded pseudo/mythical legendaries
some people prefer the power gap claiming it helped "normalize the game" so you don't lose to the 1 random shitty gimmick you didnt have an answer to
gen 4 has the most emphasis on lead-autism and i feel like a disproportionate amount of games are lost on turn 1 just from lead gambling, also feels like theres a higher amount of unearned shitstomp sweeps
but overall my favorite selection of OU mons
C: 1, 6
F: 2
didnt play too gay tier: 7 and 8