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No.46084126 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Make at least 1 map change per region
-Hikable Mt. Moon
-Explorable volcano in Cinnabar island
-Faraway Island being part of Sevii Islands (access only via a ridiculously difficult puzzle in sevii island)

-Surfeable Goldenrod coast
-Cherrygrove and Union cave sharing its sea

-Fifth Contest hall in Rustboro
-Rustboro hall - Smart
-Slateport hall - Cool
-Verdanturf hall - Cute
-Fallarbor hall - Tough
-Lilycove hall - Beauty
-Explorable Mangrove in Mossdeep and Route 127
-Additional explorable mangrove in Route 130

-Expanded Oreburgh mine behind Strenght boulder
-Explorable Snowpoint sea

-Diveable waters in route 17
-Sea route between Virbank and Castelia

-Route 13 being a Left to Right route (also without that shitty wind)
-Postgame explorable extra Powerplants
-Secret route between Vaniville and Kiloude

-Explorable inner cave in Wela volcano park
-Connection between Lush jungle cave and Diglett's Tunnel

>Secret tunnel between Galar mine and Galar mine 2
>Expanded Ballonlea
>Explorable Hammerlocke castle
>Route that connects Hammerlocke and Route 10