>>46099125>These same idiots are also salty that Smogon forces them to think for once instead of spam evasion and sleep.I actually fought a guy the other day on the high ladder of National Dex who I found out had styled their entire fucking team around trying to fit as much evasion as they could onto a format that banned the moves, with shit like Bright Powder on half his Pokemon, Mud Slap on Blissey and a Shedinja with HDB. I think he even had something with Sand Attack and some trapping moves.
The first time I fought him I almost lost to the element of surprise before I dragged out the Shedinja to it's death with Whirlwind+Sand then rolled the guy with a Kommo-o. The second time he got bodied hard though since I knew what his gimmick was going on.
It was fun to rush him with the Clangy Lad but it is pretty annoying when your earthquake misses what would've been an OHKO and then the poor thing gets burned and crippled for the rest of the match.
My point is that people who rely on accuracy/evasion memes to try and win only do so because they suck too much at the game to succeed with anything short of turning the entire match into a gambling ring.